Researchers have made an important discovery about the causes of schizophrenia, a disease related to dementia or fragmented mentality. Researchers have identified two genes associated with the disease as well as a third gene that carries the risk of schizophrenia and autism. Scientists involved in this research believes, this discovery can go a long way in finding a cure for these kind of diseases. Researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine found that these harmful genes are almost the same in every ethnic or racial group. The findings of this research were published in Nature Genetics . According to an estimate, about one percent of people worldwide suffering from schizophrenia. The scientists identified two risky genes, SRRM2 and AKAP11, based on a comparative analysis of gene sequencing from individuals with schizophrenia and healthy individuals. It compared a dataset of 35,828 patients with schizophrenia to 107,877 healthy or control groups and included a v...
Nanotechnology has established its reach in almost all areas of our life. This branch of physics based on the measurement and application of precision is not very new.
Depending on the application it is quite ancient. In recent years, many researches and studies have been done related to nanotechnology and its uses.
Through which this technology has attained new heights of development.
Hence this period is termed as 'Nano Revolution'. The nano revolution is expected to be a milestone not only in physics but in many fields including quantum physics. But nanotechnology in medicine can change the overall scenario of therapies in hospitals.
Through this treatment of incurable diseases will be possible using nano robotics also known as molecular robotics. Nano robot would be able to deliver medicines to disease affected cells/tissues of our body. Such patients can also be cured whose chances of survival are negligible.
Basically, nanotechnology is a field of science research with with the understanding and control of matter at dimensions between approximately 1 and 100 nanometers.
When the scale of something is taken in nanometers, fundamental changes occur in the properties of its substances. This creates application possibilities to concerned.
Nanotechnology is considered even stronger than the Industrial Revolution. Its applications range from automobiles to medical science. Nanotechnology is helping to considerably improve, even revolutionize, many technology and industry sectors like information technology, homeland security, medicine, transportation, energy, food processing and safety, and environmental science, among many others.
Nanotechnology is broadly classified as nano materials, nano electronics, nano biotechnology etc. But the possibilities of its applications are limitless in all areas.
What are key methods of nanotechnology?
Two major methods are adopted in nanotechnology. Which are as follows -
1. In this method, materials and devices are made from molecular components, Which is based on the chemical principle of self- assemble ability through molecular recognition of molecules.
2. In this system, nano materials are made from large elements without control over the molecular surface.
Renewed interest in nanotechnology on impulse media and colloidal science and new generation of analytical instruments such as Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) and Observational Tunneling Microscope (STM) etc.
The computation of nanostructures with these instruments using systems such as electron beam lithography and molecular beam epitaxy has led to a substantial advances in nanotechnology.
Nanotechnology and it's examples in modern use are the manufacture of polymers based on molecular structures and computer chips based on surface science.
Despite the many promising uses of nanotechnology such as quantum dots and nanotubes, actual commercial use remains on a large scale.
Nanotechnology used for such as sun protection creams, cosmetics, protective coatings, targeted therapies and medicines, manufacturing of anti-staining clothing etc.
What is Nano Chip?
At present, microchips and nanochips produces using nanotechnology. Nano Chip can hold thousands of times more information than the chips used in computers and smartphones.
Through 'The Oxford Innovation' technology of Oxford Company Iris Innovation, carbon nanotubes can be used instead of silicon chips.
Carbon nano tubes are about 500th the size of a transistor. It has better electrical properties than its similar. Nanochips are also used for manufacturing of flexible electronic products. With the help of graphics, nano tubes like nano wire and carbon membrane are made.
When these are combined with polymers, electricity is produced. LED based nano light bulb has been developed.
Nowadays, LED bulbs made from nanotechnology are used for almost every household. This bulb saves a lot of electricity as compared to other bulbs.
How can nanorobotics technology be integrated in medicine?
Nanotechnology in medicine has proved to be very effective and accurate. Researchers from Tel Abib University have made significant progress in this approach of nanotechnology.
He created a nano robot the size of just one atom in thickness, which is as strong as styrene and flexible as rubber. This nano robot is capable of tracking every corner of the body like the 'Mini Submarine'.
This has made it possible to remove the blockage of arteries and veins. Targeted drug delivery system in the body has become possible using nanotechnology in medicine.
Cancer cells can be killed and remove through targeted drug delivery system. Apart from this, it has become possible to identify serious diseases in their early stages. Scientists from India have also successfully tested the use of nanotechnology for pain relief medicine development.
The Indian Defense Research Institute (DRDO) conducted successful experiments to eliminate pain by effectively using magnetic nanoparticles for electric shocks.
Some Major Applications Of Nanotechnology
However, the fields of nanotechnology uses are very wide. Most of the commercial use is for first generation inert substances.
These mainly include Titanium dioxide is used for cosmetics purposes. Silver nanoparticles are used for safely canning food items, in the manufacture of attractive clothing, in the manufacture of disinfectants, etc.
Zinc Oxide nanoparticles are used for the manufacture of toiletries, paints, furniture varnishes etc. Cerium Oxide is used for as fuel catalyst in automobiles.
Research on the operation of molecules at the nanoscale continues to take the basic principles and characteristics of nanotechnology to the production level.
But misuse of the word nano by technocrats and scientists could lead to a backlash.
In the field of medicine and biotechnology, Nanotechnology can be possible to diagnose many such diseases which are till now incurable.
What problems might be associated with nanotechnology?
Nanotechnology has the potential to change the course of life. But with its wide potential use, some practical problems will also arise. In the future, there will be economic side effects from products related to nanotechnology.
The economic disparity between developed and developing/underdeveloped countries will increase tremendously.
Because as a result of nanotechnology, traditional products will stop and people associated with them will also become useless.
Nevertheless, nanotechnology will be used in almost every area of life, because research work is being done continuously on nanotechnology.
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