Researchers have made an important discovery about the causes of schizophrenia, a disease related to dementia or fragmented mentality. Researchers have identified two genes associated with the disease as well as a third gene that carries the risk of schizophrenia and autism. Scientists involved in this research believes, this discovery can go a long way in finding a cure for these kind of diseases. Researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine found that these harmful genes are almost the same in every ethnic or racial group. The findings of this research were published in Nature Genetics . According to an estimate, about one percent of people worldwide suffering from schizophrenia. The scientists identified two risky genes, SRRM2 and AKAP11, based on a comparative analysis of gene sequencing from individuals with schizophrenia and healthy individuals. It compared a dataset of 35,828 patients with schizophrenia to 107,877 healthy or control groups and included a v...
If you are emotionally unstable, you may face cognitive decline later on. This means that your ability to think and understand may be weaker than people who are emotionally stable, strong and self-controlled.
This study was published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. The study explored the effects of personality traits such as individual conscientiousness, psychopathic behavior, and being more sensitive and reactionary to surrounding activities on cognitive abilities later in life.
Tomiko Yonedo, a researcher at the University of Victoria and lead author of the study, said that personal qualities and attitudes affect a person's enduring patterns of behavior. It completely affects the ability to think for a lifetime.
In life, such mental experiences sometimes also come in the form of mental illness or pathology. It differentiates them from others in terms of cognitive impairment or age-related neurological changes.
According to Yoneda, a person who has a higher intuition score, they are more responsible, organized, hard working, more dedicated towards their goals. Similarly, those who have more neuroticism (psychotic behavior), they have emotionally unstable personality, temperamental, restless, depressed, negative, self-suspecting.
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Whereas people who are more sensitive and aware about the surrounding environment and take energy from other peoples. Such people are enthusiastic, talkative, and assertive by nature.
In the study, researchers analyzed data from 1954 people who were not formally diagnosed with dementia. The study began in 1997 and has gone through a cumbersome process.
They reported that participants who had a high interoception score or a low psychopathic behavior score had a significantly lower risk of progressing from a normal state to a cognitive disturbance.
According to Yoneda, people who scored six points higher on an interoceptive scale ranging from zero to 48 had a nearly 22 percent lower risk of progressing from general cognitive ability to mild impairment.
Similarly, those who scored about 7 or more on a scale ranging from zero to 48 for psychotic behavior had a nearly 12 percent higher risk of progressing from general cognitive ability to deterioration.
At the same time, people who responded more to the surrounding environment, despite having higher scores for psychopathic behavior, were more likely to improve and normalize with loss of cognitive ability.
This finding is an indication that the development of certain traits in people progressing to dementia may provide protection against the disease.
In such cases, being responsive to the surrounding environment is very beneficial for cognitive improvement. Social interaction plays a very important role in this.
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