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Researchers Identify New Genes Linked With Schizophrenia Risk in First-of-Its-Kind Study

Researchers have made an important discovery about the causes of schizophrenia, a disease related to dementia or fragmented mentality.   Researchers have identified two genes associated with the disease as well as a third gene that carries the risk of schizophrenia and autism. Scientists involved in this research believes, this discovery can go a long way in finding a cure for these kind of diseases. Researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine found that these harmful genes are almost the same in every ethnic or racial group. The findings of this research were published in Nature Genetics . According to an estimate, about one percent of people worldwide suffering from schizophrenia. The scientists identified two risky genes, SRRM2 and AKAP11, based on a comparative analysis of gene sequencing from individuals with schizophrenia and healthy individuals. It compared a dataset of 35,828 patients with schizophrenia to 107,877 healthy or control groups and included a v...

Sea Grass Has Extensive Stores of Sugar

There are also large sources of sugar in the sea. These sources, present in the form of sea grass, contain large amounts of sucrose, which is a major component of the sugar used in the kitchen. Sea grass at the bottom of the ocean has 1.3 million tonnes of sugar reserves, that is, sweetness equal to the sweetness of 32 billion cold drinks.  This was revealed by a recent study conducted at the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology in Germany. Marine microbiologist Nicole Dubilier says that sea grasses produce sugar during photosynthesis.  The researchers tested their hypothesis through mass spectrometry techniques in ocean grasslands. This showed that in average light these seagrasses use sucrose for self metabolism, but in high light, such as afternoon or summer, these grasses produce more sugar. Release excess sugar into their rhizosphere. The surprising thing is that this sugar is not absorbed by marine organisms.  To prevent this, seagrasses send ou...

Plastic Sheets are Poisoning the Soil and Crops in the Form of Microplastics in Farms

Microplastic particles are poisoning not only groundwater but also soil and crops. Plastic sheets are widely used in the fields which are dissolving the fine particles of plastic in the soil. It is also affecting the crops. This is where the particles are reaching the depths of human blood and lungs. In March of this year, researchers measured plastic particles in human blood . Subsequently, these particles were also identified in the lungs. Toxic Link , a non-governmental organization working on plastic pollution, has shared this information on the basis of testing samples taken from agricultural lands at different places. According to the study conducted by Toxic Link, 30 samples were taken from different agricultural farms. Microplastic particles were found in all these samples. In addition, the presence of heavy metals was also found in the soil samples. Plastic sheets are being used for the last 20 years from where the samples were taken. Plastic sheets are generally u...

New Functioning of Cells That Play Key Role in Brain Development Revealed

In a new study, researchers have discovered the functioning of the cells found in our brain, which make up almost half of our brain. The study was published in the journal Nature Neuroscience . Scientists say that in this research done on mice, the discovery of new functions of cells called astrocytes will give a new direction to neuroscience research. With the help of the findings from this study, it will help in finding effective treatments for Epilepsy, Alzheimer's, Brain stroke and other neuro-related diseases. Researchers have also studied how astrocytes interact with neurons. Neurons are the fundamental cells of the brain and nervous system that receive inputs. Neurons send messages to different parts of the body through complex electrical and chemical signals. Till now scientists believed that astrocytes are important but their role in this process is less. It is now found that astrocytes direct the growth of axons which are elongated and thin and receive electri...

Skin Gas Will Tell About Health And Wellness

Need various types of tests on time to time for keep an eye on our health. Apart from this, there are many wearable devices available to monitor our health in better way. Now, scientists have developed a wearable device that can measure health status by measuring the gas released from the skin.  With the help of this, people can become aware about their health. It gives signals to take precaution or to be alert. Most of the research so far has been based on finding out about health through biomarkers released in sweat.  These are linked to the electrical signal emanating from the chemicals. But it requires a high amount of sweating. There are many smart watch or fitness tracker devices in the market which take conclusion by measuring the heartbeat or body temperature.  Now researchers from Ohio State University in the US have developed a technique that can identify biomarkers related to diseases such as heart disease or diabetes. Recommended ⬇️  Lack of ...

United Arab Emirates's Hope Mission Discovers Mysterious Polar Light on Mars

The Hope Mission of the United Arab Emirates's Mars mission has captured stunning images of the mysterious polar flame on Mars.  This discovery could reveal many secrets between the Martian atmosphere, its magnetic field and the solar wind. Polar lights are floating light waves. This is the kind of light that has been seen at the Earth's North Pole for thousands of years. This light is visible on a planet when the movements of the planet affect the atmosphere there. A recent observation from the Emirates Mars mission has never been seen before. This is called the Sinus Discrete Aurora (SDA). It is a giant aurora that covers more than half the area on Mars. Recommended ⬇️ Space Bricks Have Been Made for The Development of Infrastructure on Mars Hesa Al Matrousi, Head of the Emirates Mars Mission, said: "When we first saw the SDA when the Hope mission reached Mars, we understood it was an exploration of new capabilities of results on a scale that would never have...

The Use of Energy for Physical and Mental Development Depends on Genes in Our Body

Perhaps you will be surprised sometimes by the fact that the same type of food is good for someone's health while someone looks weak. But now this mystery has been solved. Researchers from the University of Helsinki reported that even minor genetic variation affects the use of energy from different nutrients. This research was published in the journal Nature Communications . Through this study, it has emerged that how nutrition plans based on genetic data can be designed for a healthy life in an individual. An international team of researchers from Australia, Denmark and Finland has investigated that how people in the same population survive on different diets. For this study, the researchers used a genetic reference panel of about 200 fruit fly (Drosophila Melanogaster) strains. These flies were given six types of diet, which was high in a mixture of protein, sugar, starch, coconut oil and fat. This analysis found that there was a difference in the use of energy deriv...

The Most Distant Galaxy Ever Discovered by An International Group of Astronomers

The universe, in itself, contains so many mysteries that it can hardly be veiled from them. Astronomers are constantly unraveling these mysteries, but as soon as one mystery is revealed, another one also comes out after some time. There are countless stars, galaxies and other cosmic objects in the universe that have always amazed us. The universe is being explored with the help of Hubble and other state-of-the-art instruments. In line with this, an international group of astronomers claims to have discovered the most distant galaxy ever. It is also located at a great distance from the most recently discovered star named Earendel . The distance of this star from Earth is about 12.9 billion light years, while this galaxy is located at a distance of 13.5 billion light years from us.  Astronomers have named this galaxy HD-1. However, he has not fully confirmed it. Perhaps the James Webb Telescope can get more information related to this. According to scientists - this possi...