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Researchers Identify New Genes Linked With Schizophrenia Risk in First-of-Its-Kind Study

Researchers have made an important discovery about the causes of schizophrenia, a disease related to dementia or fragmented mentality.   Researchers have identified two genes associated with the disease as well as a third gene that carries the risk of schizophrenia and autism. Scientists involved in this research believes, this discovery can go a long way in finding a cure for these kind of diseases. Researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine found that these harmful genes are almost the same in every ethnic or racial group. The findings of this research were published in Nature Genetics . According to an estimate, about one percent of people worldwide suffering from schizophrenia. The scientists identified two risky genes, SRRM2 and AKAP11, based on a comparative analysis of gene sequencing from individuals with schizophrenia and healthy individuals. It compared a dataset of 35,828 patients with schizophrenia to 107,877 healthy or control groups and included a v...

How did the early black holes form and what did they look like? James Webb getting ready for research going back in time

The James Webb Telescope is at its maximum cooling temperature point. Its mirrors have been calibrated and its target is fixed. This telescope will search for evidence of black holes formed after the emergence of the universe and in its childhood.  The web is in the final stages of fully operating its tools before starting scientific research. Blackholes are the mysterious objects in the universe. They are considered to be the demons of the universe.  The thing that makes them different from other cosmic objects is that they are invisible and finding them is a difficult task.  Apart from this, their gravitational force is very powerful. According to scientists, a black hole is found in the center of every galaxy, which includes our galaxy.  A puzzle in front of modern astronomy remains - how did a giant black hole come to the center of every galaxy? James Webb Telescope, whose purpose is to study the universe immediately after the Big Bang, this observato...

Viral Infection Affects the Mother's Brain and Behavior with Children after Delivery

Pregnant women are advised to take special precautions during pregnancy. The effects of diseases during pregnancy not only harm the mother but can also cause long-term harm to the baby. A study conducted by researchers at the Medical University of Vienna found that viral infections during pregnancy negatively affect a pregnant woman's brain and lead to changes in postpartum behavior. This study was published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry . Researchers say there is substantial evidence that viral infection during pregnancy negatively affects brain development in the fetus, lasting lifelong effects on the child's mental health and behavior. Now a new preclinical study has revealed for the first time that virus-induced immune activation during pregnancy also affects the mother's brain.  This has a negative impact on the maternal care and behavior of the mother after the birth of the child. The findings were published by a team of behavioral biologists from th...

Astronomers Discover Eight New Blackhole Binaries in Our Galaxy

Blackhole is one of the most mysterious things in the universe. Its gravitational force is so strong that it does not allow anything near it to pass through, even attracts light inside itself. Astronomers are constantly trying to unravel the mysteries of black holes. In this episode, astronomers have succeeded in detecting eight new blackhole binaries. These resonate around our galaxy. According to this study, combining their images together can reveal how a black hole moves in an explosion. So far only two such black holes were known. Blackhole binaries are systems that orbit a star. Students from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) carried out this research with the help of the California Institute of Technology and other institutions. The findings of this research were published in The Astrophysical Journal . There are millions of black holes in our galaxy that have tremendous gravitational force. They are usually densely black and, except in a few rare cases...

Closest Images of the Sun So Far May Reveal Its Secrets of Solar Poles

In March this year, the European Space Agency's Solar Orbiter took various pictures of the star after reaching its closest approach to the Sun.   Analysis of the data collection reveals powerful flares, breathtaking views over the solar poles, and a curious hedgehog in video that makes its way back to Earth. The spacecraft was inside the orbit of Mercury during its closest approach to the Sun. It is the closest planet to the Sun.  It sits about 1/3 of the distance between the Sun and the Earth. The hitshield had achieved a temperature of over 500°C. However, it was kept cool with the help of various technical devices. The important thing that this orbiter was successful in finding out is this - how does our star work? The European Space Agency has said that the closer the spacecraft gets to the Sun, the more closely the remote sensing equipment is able to analyze it. During close approach, the spacecraft observed solar flares and even Earth-directed coronal ma...

UK Plans to Set Up Solar Power Station in Space By 2035

The UK has come up with a unique idea to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to zero by the year 2050. He is working on solar power plan in space. 50 British institutions including Airbus, Cambridge University have joined hands to cooperate with the government's scheme. The UK started an alternative search initiative in this direction in last year. The main objective of the scheme is to achieve the goal of zero greenhouse emissions at a lower cost than the technologies. According to Martin Salto, the head of this initiative, all the technology needed to develop a solar power station in space is already in place and the special thing is that all the work of building this station will be done by robots. The UK aims to have electricity on Earth by 2035. The length of this power plant can be up to several miles. To put it into space orbit, about 300 rockets the size of SpaceX's starship would be needed. Once established, it will orbit the Sun as well as the Earth. It will b...

Vegetarianism is as Nutritious as Non-Vegetarian Food for Children's Development

The debate about vegetarianism and non-vegetarianism has been going on for a long time. Different things keep coming to the fore about which of these is more nutritious. A recent study has revealed that the growth and nutrition of vegetarian children is similar to that of children who eat meat. Researchers from St. Michael's Hospital did this study on about nine thousand children. The findings of this study were published in the journal Pediatrics . The study's findings support changes in dietary habits among Canadians. The Food Guide of Canada was updated in the year 2019. In which people were urged to consume vegetable based proteins, beans and tofu etc., instead of meat in their diet. According to the study's lead author and pediatrician Dr. Jonathan Maguire at St. Michael's Hospital of Unity Health Toronto, plant-based diets have increased in popularity during the past 20 years. Eating habits are changing with the increase in plant-based diet choices. Ho...

Solar Energy Will Make Easier the Path of Manned Missions to Mars

Apart from the Moon, astronomers are most interested in Mars. Space agencies around the world are running their missions on this red planet. In the future, plans are being made to set up human settlements here. An important thing has come to the fore while studying in this direction. Scientists at the University of California say that solar power can be a great option for the Mars mission. Modern science is indicating that Mars may be the source of possible aliens visible on Earth. Today technology has developed so much that we can send missions to Mars. Scientists from all over the world are also making efforts in this direction. In this context, new studies may prove to be important. The findings of this study have been published in the journal Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences . According to Aaron Berliner, a co-author of the study and a graduate student in bioengineering in the Arkin Laboratory at UC Berkeley, currently the source of energy for Mars rovers, incl...